Sunday, January 23, 2011

no way

I still have a whole month until I leave for Chile and all my friends already went back to school. For a second, I started to think I was getting bored until I realized that while everyone I know is working or doing homework, I get to ski whenever I want to with views like this...

the view of the gore range from vail

Can't believe this is real life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I finally made Char's delicious caramel popcorn. Turns out that today, Pi Phi also learned that we get to have a winter dance! What a sweet day. I miss you girls lots.

For anyone who wants a really really yummy and fun adventure at home, here is the recipe for yourself.

6 quarts (24 cups) popped popcorn
2 cup brown sugar
2 sticks margarine
½ cup corn syrup (dark)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp soda

Put brown sugar, margarine, corn syrup and salt in pan, bring to boil. 
Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Take off heat, stir in soda.

Pour over popcorn and mix. Put in baking pan and place in oven for 1 hr at 200, stirring every 15 minutes.

When done stir as it cools, to keep it from clumping together.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

nice try duckies!

So yesterday was the BCS National Championship and the Ducks almost had it! Unfortunately, they lost to a tie-breaking field goal with 2 seconds left in the game causing the score to end at 22-19.

Anyone who was watching the game saw the crazy play where Oregon defender Eddie Pleasant tackled Michael Dyer and then he got up and kept running. This 37-yard run was a game changing play and the debate was (and kind of continues to be) whether or not Dyer was really down.

Watching the replays last night, I have to admit I thought Dyer was good but this morning, a few pictures are making me wonder, what would have happened if they said he was down?

Looking a bit wristy?

Looking a bit ankley?

Friday, January 7, 2011

mix it up!

Matching it boring. Maybe 2011 will be the year to try something new! (When I get a house I can work on mixing it up. For now, I will add to my extensive picture collection)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

twenty eleven?

 Holy cow- where did 2010 go? I am so excited because I have so much to look forward to this year. I hope you all have exciting 2011 plans too!

National Championship: 1/10/11
Go Ducks!

Living and studying in the colorful city,
Valparaiso, Chile

Turning 21!

Senior year at Oregon :)